Duck Breasts with Redcurrant Sauce

Duck Breasts with Redcurrant Sauce
15 September 2016

Chefs of De Dietrich, Recipes

Recipes by Mike Robinson: Duck Breasts with Redcurrant Sauce

As duck is such a rich meat, it needs something sharp to cut through the fat. Redcurrants are perfect for this and make a lovely piquant sauce. Save the fat that renders out of the skin as it makes delicious roast potatoes. 

Ingredients (Serves 4) 

  • 4 Duck Breasts, trimmed of excess skin & fat and with the “true-fillet” removed
  • 2 Shallots, finely chopped
  • 3 Garlic Cloves, crushed
  • 2 Glasses of Red Wine
  • 1 Orange, juice and zest
  • 1 Sprig of Rosemary
  • 1 Tsp of Tomato Paste
  • 1 Punnet of Redcurrants

  1. Start by slashing the top of the skin on the duck two or three times with a sharp knife. This will help the fat render out leaving a crispy skin.  Heat a frying pan until searing hot and place duck, skin side down, in the pan (not too close together or the meat will steam).  When the fat is beautiful golden color, turn the meat over and sear for 30 seconds on the other side then remove to a roasting tray.  This can sit like this until you are ready to cook them.
  2. For the sauce, gently cook the onions and garlic in a little of the duck fat.  Add the wine, grated orange zest, juice, and rosemary and tomato paste and reduce by half.
  3. Heat your oven to 220C and only when it’s hot, put in the duck for seven minutes only. Take out of the oven and rest for at least 10 mins (20 mins would be better).  While the meat is resting, using a fork, push the redcurrants off their stalks into your sauce.  Re-heat and stir until the redcurrants have burst and the juice is combined with the sauce.
  4. Slice your duck breasts on an angle and serve with potatoes wedges cooked in duck fat and your piquant redcurrant sauce.

Download this recipe here:

Duck Breasts with Redcurrant Sauce Duck Breasts with Redcurrant Sauce (935 KB)